Sunday, 1 July 2012

145 candles

Move over Molly Ringwald, your 16 candles just won't cut it today. In my part of the country, there are just a few hours left of our national holiday. Today Canada turns 145 years old. Unfortunately, I didn't remember to buy a gift, so will likely have to sheepishly skulk out and grab one of those sad belated birthday cards in a day or two. Ho-hum. On the bright side, I spent my dad with family, swimming, and hamburgers. I didn't go full-out patriotic with a funny hat or red and white striped knee-high socks (both of these items were actually worn by family members), but inside I feel no less thankful for the beautiful, majestic, and inexpressibly vast expanse of the country in which I am lucky enough to reside.

For now, the white is the glow of my laptop screen in the dark as I type this post and listen to fireworks explode outside my window (well done neighbours!), and the red is the half-chipped polish on my nails and the shade my back will be tomorrow due to too much sun day.

From the depths of my "glowing heart" (that's straight out of our anthem, look it up), Happy Birthday Canada!


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