Wednesday, 1 May 2013

And then there was one

The title of today's post hints not only at the the next book I'll be reading (well, rereading, but it has been eight years since the last time) but also another realization that I am feeling back in the swing of things when it comes to this blog. The "one" I've mentioned in the title is simply the post that I did yesterday. . . one after a break of about seven months! Anyway, if you've read past posts of mine, you might know that I am utterly devoted to mystery fiction, particularly Agatha Christie. University lit classes can train me up all they want, but they'll never separate me from my original love of the small-town-murder novel. Oddly, the only thing I actually remember about Christie's And Then There Were None is who the killer is. What I've forgotten is the entire plot. Weird, but workable.

In other news, I'm puzzling more over the fate of my hair. Yes, it is THAT easy for me to swing from literary accomplishments to utter vanity. I digress. I told you yesterday that I'm almost/kind of/definitely sure that I want to cut all (most) of my hair off again, so I'm in the process of browsing through styles. I have fairly small features, a face that's slightly more round than oval, and a forehead in proportion to the rest of my face (i.e. do not necessarily need bangs to compensate for large forehead). Oh, also my hair is quite thick, but not naturally curly, though it does occasionally decide to have a bit of a wave. Keeping these things in mind, feel free to give me suggestions! Otherwise, take a look at the inspiration pictures I'm posting and let me know what stands out! Ok?
This is generally the cut I went for the first time around and it worked out pretty well.
Obviously not a picture of short hair, but I so love these bangs! Something I could still have if I kept my hair at a medium-ish length.
More bangs, I know, but I love how sleek this one is.

And one of an old short haircut of mine for good measure. Although I look rather like a solemn Peter Pan.


  1. Thanks very much :) I'll head right over to yours!

  2. Thank u for your comment!!I follow you now! Hope you come soon on my blog! =)

    A NEW fashion view

