Monday, 13 May 2013

Girl Trophy for Excellence in Female Stuff

Tonight's quotation comes from the show "Parks and Recreation" (still watching and loving) and is just as vague and hopefully funny as much of my life. My weekend ended up being pretty great. A friend came from out of town to visit and the highlight was watching "Jumanji" together. I think that might actually be the greatest movie ever, just don't tell "10 Things I Hate About You" I said that. Somehow "Jumanji" is just equally great every single time I watch it, plus Robin Williams is probably one of my favourite actors ever. Between this film and "Hook," the movie-watching aspect of my childhood was pretty great.
You know, 'cause no posts the last two days.
This week I'll be seeing something a little more serious. Or, as serious as a cult film/TV series can get in the eyes of a society who has basically left it to the nerds. That's right, I'm talking about Star Trek. No matter how you feel about the following surrounding this series, the most recent film (2009) had a lot of amazing aspects that I think almost anyone who enjoys actions/adventure movies would appreciate. Anyone planning to see it?

P.S. New OOTD up tomorrow!


  1. I haven't watched Jumanji for years - but I think maybe now I have to :) As for Star Trek, I admit I'm not a huge fan... it's not the series specifically, but rather than sci-fi and fantasy are not my thing in general... but I admit I did enjoy the 2009 movie.

    1. Jumanji is so good haha I had actually forgotten that the little girl in it was Kirsten Dunst!

  2. Star Trek is nice movie, I like it too!

  3. Thanks very much :) I'll take a look!

  4. Thanks very much Carrieanne :)
